Friday 21 November 2008

How time flies!

I can't believe it's been a few weeks since I last posted. Time really has flown by. I've been running storytelling workshops this past week, and it's been lots of fun. The power of words, of lifting tales from the page and bringing them alive for an audience, is something I never tire of! It's great to see people stretching their imagination muscle and tapping into their creativity. It really is good for the soul! Stories are a wonderful tool for transformation. The stories we tell ourselves are so important. So the next time you're worried about something and find yourself imagining the worst, turn things around in your favour. See this part of your life as a tale and see it with a happy ending! Re-inforce a positive outcome, it really does work and you'll feel so much better.

On a similiar theme of stories, check out this month's issue of Soul & Spirit. There's a piece all about the power of fairytales and how you can use them as a tool for self development. Also check out my monthly Magic Ally column. It's got a special 're-vamp yourself' theme for Christmas. Speaking of which, I can't believe it's only a month away.... I need to get myself in gear for some Xmas shopping.

Have a great and magical weekend.
Magic Ally x