Monday, 27 July 2009

Mother Nature's Sunshine

Well it's a real day of sunshine and showers today. One minute the sun is trailing a path through the sky, the next, well the clouds have gathered, and there's a short burst of rain to put a dampner on everything. Some might say that's a little bit like life, and all the ups and downs we currently face. It's true that it's a difficult time for a lot of people and it's hard to be positive when you're faced with those black clouds every day. To combat this I like to try a little mind magic. I remember a time when I felt really good, when I was enjoying myself and I felt on top of the world. I try and conjure up a picture that captures the spirit of that memory, and then I freeze frame it in my mind. I try and recreate all those wonderful feelings and I make a mental statement like 'I am now happy and full of joy again.'
When we do something like this, it's almost as if we're making a statement to the universe and sending a positive message out there, and as we all know, like attracts like. So if you trick your mind into thinking good things, then you will start to re-create those feelings and you really will attract good things and a few surprises. Try it today, and let me know how you get on!

Magical Blessings
Magic Ally x

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Soulshine Event - August 8th

Just a quick blog this time as I'm dashing around and have only just recovered access to the internet. I just wanted to let you know that I will be appearing at the Soulshine Mind Body Spirit Event in Leicester on Saturday 8th of August. It's at the Ramada Jarvis hotel on Granby Street. There are some really wonderful people on board so far, lots of holistic healers and therapists, some excellent mediums and psychics and some interesting stalls selling all sorts of esoteric goodies. It really is worth taking a trip over to meet everyone and have a lovely magical day!

Will blog again in a bit. I'm currently up to my eyes in writing a book and my next column. The muse is with me!

Have a lovely week.
Magic Ally