Sunday, 29 March 2009

Mind Body Soul

Greetings on this mystical monday morning!

I say that because it's been one of those weekends, littered with signs and synchronicities. It started on friday when I had a dream that actually came true. Then on Saturday, an idea popped into my head from no-where and has literally sprouted wings. I'm not going to mention too much about it just yet, but what I will say is that it's looking like I might be appearing at a new Mind, Body, Soul event in the next couple of months. It's all very exciting, and it feels like I'm following a natural cycle with this. I should explain that many moons ago, when I was a very young magic ally, I spent a great deal of my time at Mind Body Soul events, running workshops and doing tarot readings. It's been a while, but I feel it's now the right time for me to return to this, and bring something new to the event. I'll keep you posted on developments on this Blog, as I think this event is going to be very special, with a great line up of people giving talks/sessions and readings. For me personally, it will give me the chance to catch up with old friends, and also make some new ones. To chew the fat with like-minded people, and maybe treat myself to some interesting buys (books, jewellry, crystals... you know the sort of thing!).

On another note, I've been reading quite a bit about Cosmic Ordering of late. It's a fascinating subject, and it's very comforting to think that the universe is there to support us, and is waiting for our requests, particularly in this current climate. I think the most important thing to note about Cosmic Ordering is that we might not think it is working for us, when actually it is! It's just working in a different way to the one we expected. The key here is to remove our expectations, and keep an open mind. Be positive, have faith, and stay flexible. Life often delivers answers in unusual and exciting ways.

Have a great and magical monday!
Magic Ally x


Anonymous said...

Hi again,

Great news about the Mind Body and Soul Event! You will have to let us know when you know more!

I went to the one at the Brentwood Centre this weekend and picked up some really lovely things as well as a lot of information about workshops and the like to go through!

Have a good week,

Nici x

Magic Ally said...

Hi Nici

I'll definitely keep you updated on the event. I think it's going to be really exciting. It sounds like you had a great time at the Brentwood Centre. It's always good to meet like-minded souls, it lifts the spirits!

Have a magical week.
Magic Ally x