Wednesday 18 March 2009

Well we're half way through another week already, and I'm dashing around. I feel like I've got wings at the moment, flitting here, there and everywhere. Talking of wings I've been reading quite a bit about Angels. I find it a fascinating subject. Angels exist in so many different guises and we only have to learn to trust our instincts and listen to that calm inner voice to be able to communicate with them. I believe in guardian angels, and it seems I'm not the only one. Nearly everyone I talk to at the moment has had some sort of otherworldly, or spiritual experience that has left them convinced that they have been touched by an angel's wings. It's all very inspiring.

Personally I reccommend investing in a copy of 'Angels in My Hair' by Lorna Byrne, it's full of angel stories, and it's written in an easygoing accessible style. Even if you don't believe in these spiritual beings this book will leave you feeling energised and uplifted.

Magical Blessings for the rest of the week.
Magic Ally


Anonymous said...

I too am an angel believer and have some lovely stories to tell.

An angel book that I would highly recommend is Angels watching over me by Jacky Newcombe. A beautiful book.

Nici x

Magic Ally said...

Hi Nicci

Lovely to hear from you. I would love to hear some of you angel stories.

I've never read Jacky's book, but I have heard so many great reports about it, so I really must invest in a copy. I actually know Jacky's work quite well as she writes for Chat-its Fate and I also write for them quite regularly. She also has a new column in Soul & Spirit, so I'm looking forward to reading that every month.

Thanks again for getting in touch.
Always nice to hear from Angel fans like yourself.

Magic Ally x